Who Do You Need To Talk With?
HawkDigital Marketing is focused on bringing brands and people together. We build communities of interest based on trust and transparency where consumers and brands can converse, learn, discuss, or solve problems together. We build awareness for your brand, while creating a long-term connection (Entanglement) between you and your customers. Once connected we help you engage, communicate, sell, present, educate, and inform. Evolve your communications with us.
Content Strategies
Content strategies are an essential part of working to attract and retain current and potential consumers. Good content builds a relationships with consumers, families or businesses.
Creating Content
Creating content, that is regular and consistent is vital to attract new and historic customers to your community and brand rewarding everyone by constantly informing, educating, or entertaining.
Content Distribution
Content distribution is optimized to include earned, owned and paid media so that each type of media, each network and all channels are used effectively and efficiently. Your brand(s) will maintain a connection to consumers over time and distance (Entanglement) while minimizing expenses and maximizing opportunities for mutual engagement and influence. This includes paid social, search engine marketing (SEM), and audience building on various platforms like Facebook, Adwords, LinkedIn, AdRoll, Twitter and others.
Metrics, Analytics & Targeting
We can help you setup Google Analytics, Innertrends, PiWik, MixPanel or other package to measure and monitor results across channels and media. Don’t just measure page views, track specific user journeys including eCommerce (revenue), awareness, activation, retention and referrals. As you create stories that unfold across media and communities (transmedia storytelling) learn how those stories impact user actions, and activities.
Contact Us
If you’re curious about our services, reach out to Harry on Twitter @Hhawk or email!